Puma Navy dagger

Textbook WW2 German Navy dagger with hammered scabbard made by the rare maker Puma complete with portepee. Brass pommel and cross guard. Typical Puma style with narrow thick eagle and drilled cross guard. White plastic covered wood grip with original triple grip wire attached. Small crack on the bottom of the grips can be seen on the photos under the portepee. Hammered scabbard with typical Puma scabbard bands. Both scabbard screws attached and untouched. Very clean and beautiful nickel plated blade with the “ship pattern” naval motives etched on the front and backside. Early Puma logo without the diamond, stamped on the backside. Red felt buffer pad still attached. The dagger is complete with it’s originally bound silver coloured portepee that shows light wear near the cross guard.

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