Generic Etched Army dagger

Beautiful generic type Army dagger with an Emil Voos-style etched blade complete with hanger and portepee. Generic dark-colored cross guard and pommel in very good condition. Orange celluloid grip with discoloring where the portepee sits. Very clean nickel-plated double-etched blade. This is the typical Voos-style etch. Wehrmacht eagle on the front with floral patterns around it. Floral patterns on the backside. No maker. Textbook unmarked generic piece. The blade has some light spots of corrosion. The leather buffer pad is still present. The silver-plated steel scabbard has the same dark color as the rest of the dagger. One single untouched scabbard screw on the front. The dagger comes complete with its hangers, marked on both clips with the “A” for Assmann. Also attached is the long silver portepee.


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Edged weapons, like knives, daggers and swords cannot be shipped outside the EU (European Union). 


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